If you followed the Star Wars Saga, you know the story behind the Jedi and the powers of the Force.
But do you know about the Force that’s within you? You have the opportunity every day to do great things!
You too can defeat the Dark Side and discover the powers within you to succeed.
Use these four paths to make the most of every situation and focus in on the power of the Force everyday:
1. Do not succumb to the powers of the Dark Side.
To become a successful, you must focus on the things that are most important to you. Spend time on the things that matter the most.
- Seek out what is a priority. When you do this task, will it make a difference to you or someone else? Will the result of doing this task matter to you in the end?
- Do not use your emotions to make decisions. Your emotions will deceive you.
- Spend your time on productive activities.
2. Fear is the Path to the Dark Side.
Make a greater impact. Focus on the bigger projects first. Do not focus on the smaller things that won’t create an impact. Projects that produce a greater impact will get you to achieve what is important to you.
- Allow yourself to complete two or three big projects, then you’ll have time to squeeze in the smaller ones.
3. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Do not accept mediocrity!
Believe that there is no room in your life for anything else but the best. So when you start setting high standards, you will see how easy it is to adjust and reach them.
- Reaffirm your goals and reflect back on why you want to reach them.
4. May The Force Be with You
How do you know if you are achieving success? You will know if you are successful, when you are seeing the impact you have on others people’s lives.
Are you making a significant difference that creates a lasting impression?
When you embrace success, it will enable you to do great things. You will see how you would no longer allow mediocrity in your life.
Eventually, you would not accept being average.
Follow this path and soon you shall see the greatness you can achieve, because that will be all you’ll be able to create!
Soon every day, you will see yourself making a difference in your life.